
Winslow Garage


Allison Stewart

Winslow Garage is pleased to present a selection from Allison Stewart's ongoing series of photographs of disaster Preppers’ emergency supply bags. The Bug Out Bag (BOB) is usually a backpack or duffel bag filled with a three-day supply of essentials. What one considers to be essential becomes the subject of this fascinating collection of images. Opened and photographed on a plain white background, it is not surprising that the contents of these bags reveal a lot about the personalities of their packers. Becoming a type of portrait of their owners, the Bug Out Bag speaks to the fears and desires of Post 911 America. Running the range from housewives with earthquake kits to Survivalists hoarding for the end of civilization, these kits exhibit anything from band aids to phenobarbital.
Stewart has photographed over 30 bags in 5 states since beginning this project a year ago.
Allison Stewart is a native of Texas and received her MFA from Cal State Long Beach in 2011. She is an experienced educator and has shown her work both nationally and internationally. Ms. Stewart's Bug Out Bags were recently featured on Wired at

If you have a Bug Out Bag that you would like to have photographed, please
contact Allison Stewart at